Sunday, November 28, 2010

Decorating the Tree

While it is the Lord who decorates the branches of the trees
                     outside the window with snow, thank you Lord!  

                     It is the *hubs* who decorates our 9 1/2 ft. tree
   every year.  Thank you dear hubs!   He really is better at it than I am,
(Can you hear the Christmas music in the background?)

patiently most of the time ;o)  affixing our *hundreds* yes, I said hundreds  of ornaments and sparkly things.  Oops...make that hundreds minus one.  It's okay hon, it was an accident.  Love ya anyway!  Oh, and don't worry, he'll straighten the crooked tree topper. Right dear?  

Blessings, Mumsie

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely!
    Trying to get up the want to to get my decorations out this year. Nobody to help. :( Kind of strange.
